
We are constantly interacting with our supporters and media. Warhorse Studios takes part in public shows, podcasts, live streams and more.

If you have a suggestion about an event you would like to meet us, please tweet us at @Warhorsestudios

We hope to meet you at one of our upcoming events!

Date Event Title Description
17/02/2022 - 17/02/2022 Yorkshire Game Festival D. James Cook will be joined by Adam J. Sporka and Jan Valta, creators of the award-winning soundtrack to Warhorse Studios’ Kingdom Come: Deliverance, for a talk on open-world game music and creating a composition from scratch.  Go to Event Page
27/05/2022 - 28/05/2022 Game Access Conference Game Access brings together thousands of people every year from all walks of life, connected by their boundless creativity and passion for making games. Together we celebrate our work, learn from the industry's heroes, and look towards new adventures ahead. Go to Event Page
06/04/2023 - 06/04/2023 Kingdom Come: Deliverance v podání Filharmonie Brno Brněnská filharmonie pod taktovkou Jana Valty odehraje pod střechou O2 universa velkolepou show, podbarvenou záběry klíčových scén ze samotné hry. O vokály se postará studentský pěvecký sbor Vox Iuvenalis. Středověký nádech pak ještě znásobí čtveřice talentovaných trubadúrů z formace Bakchus. Přijďte si s námi vychutnat tento oživlý kus historie. Go to Event Page